
Showing posts from 2017

Designing Software Architecture basics

How an architecture is prepared How does the Architecture world works or move  [from Open Group] Desired Architecture for today’s world Architectural Patterns and Styles An architectural style, sometimes called an architectural pattern, is a set of principles—a coarse grained pattern that provides an abstract framework for a family of systems. An architectural style improves partitioning and promotes design reuse by providing solutions to frequently recurring problems. You can think of architecture styles and patterns as sets of principles that shape an application. An understanding of architectural styles provides several benefits. The most important benefit is that they provide a common language. They also provide opportunities for conversations that are technology agnostic. This facilitates a higher level of conversation that is inclusive of patterns and principles, without getting into specifics. For example, by using architecture styl

Maintain Multi Session on Multiple Tabs of browser

How do you maintain multiple sessions on different tabs of browser. Yes this is an interesting topic. I knew it was easy if we were using cookieless session, but ours is a cookie enabled session. I was struggling all the day and then I finally got a hint that we can use Web.config to handle above issue. Wondering how?  <sessionState cookieless="UseUri" regenerateExpiredSessionId="true">   </sessionState>
ASP.Net MVC in a flash for Experienced Request is received by Routing table which creates RouteData Object [RouteCollection] and passes it to IRouteHandler. IRouteHandler decides which handler to be invoked to handle the request, here in this case it would be MVC Handler. MVC Handler looks at the url and passes the controller name to IController Factory which checks the controller presence and returns Controller instance to Handler. Now the Handler invokes the execute method of the returned Controller instance and passes the request to ActionSelector. Action Selector has two ways to handle the action ActionName selector ActionMethod selectors Action selector resolves the Action and request is passed to IActionInvoker. By default Action selector loads all the methods of the class and based on URL it calls the action method. IActionInvoker calls the IActionFilter’s which runs in below sequence IAuthentication filter IAuthorization filter IAction filter