
Showing posts with the label Model Binders
ASP.Net MVC in a flash for Experienced Request is received by Routing table which creates RouteData Object [RouteCollection] and passes it to IRouteHandler. IRouteHandler decides which handler to be invoked to handle the request, here in this case it would be MVC Handler. MVC Handler looks at the url and passes the controller name to IController Factory which checks the controller presence and returns Controller instance to Handler. Now the Handler invokes the execute method of the returned Controller instance and passes the request to ActionSelector. Action Selector has two ways to handle the action ActionName selector ActionMethod selectors Action selector resolves the Action and request is passed to IActionInvoker. By default Action selector loads all the methods of the class and based on URL it calls the action method. IActionInvoker calls the IActionFilter’s which runs in below sequence IAuthentication filter IAuthorization filter IAction filter